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Healing Experiences

Catherine, Nov 2023

"I have received healing from Fawzia on several occasions.

Suffering from a chronic condition, I have felt extreme relief from her healing with the symptoms.


Most recently, following surgery, I received a 5-week course of intense healing, this was an amazing experience and not just helped with the pain, but the emotional element of the surgery.


I would recommend everyone to seek this healing from Fawzia and the amazing properties that it provides."

Neetu, November 2023

"Meeting Fawzia was no less than a synchronicity after coming across womb healing video on YouTube. I found her on UCBK website listed as the only one person in whole of the UK who does such healings and happens to live 20 minutes away from me. 


Fawzia is a very warm in receiving clients and I connected with her straight away. The actual healing sessions have progressively been transforming for me. On one occasion I received a vision of receiving shaktipat from my Guru whilst another one where Guru asked me to give all my pains and stress to him. There were other events that happened during healings which are too personal to share, but it took me by surprise. Fawzia is very informative about her work and holds the healing space patiently. 


I thoroughly enjoyed my Womb healing sessions with her and look forward to receiving Sai Kaleshwar healings in the near future."

Alice, 2018

"We had been trying to conceive for 2 1/2 years and had been referred by the GP for further fertility testing.  Not the way we planned starting a family being prodded and poked, but worth it to be told we were reproductively challenged and then eventually referred onto the waiting list for IVF.


In the meantime I was looking for other ways to help our journey along the right direction.  I got my husband assessed by a herbalist I previously worked with, and both of us changed our diets and started taking herbs.


I then came across Fawzia quite by chance or fate as I like to believe.  We started having healing sessions every 3-4 weeks, particularly focusing on the womb and ovaries area, and as soon as her hands got anywhere near those areas, I could feel the energy flow changing and getting really warm.  As the sessions went on, the discomfort lessened, and I could tell it was really doing something.


The day before we were due to start IVF, I found out we were pregnant.  I now have 4 healthy children and am forever grateful for trusting Fawzia and our journey together."

Michelle, July 2023 - #1

"Last year I was diagnosed with terminal cancer at the age of 54.  This devastating news took my mind to a very dark place, and the fear and negativity only increased as the days and weeks passed me by.  Fawzia reached out to me as she believed that she could help, and we arranged to connect the following week.  To be completely honest, I was sceptical as I had never ventured down this path of positive healing energy, but I was open to any help and advice.


During our first session, all I did was cry.  7 Months on with continual counselling sessions, Fawzia has instilled and encouraged positive thoughts, feelings and emotions, and provided me with visual tools to help banish negative thoughts.


Through our sessions of energy healing and meditation, my stress and anxiety has reduced greatly, and improved my overall wellbeing.


I still shed a few tears during our sessions, but they are more of a release of emotions filled with hope and gratefulness, and do not stem from fear and hopelessness as they once did.  I feel I now have the power to control those negative thoughts instead of those thoughts having power over me.


We all have such power inside of us that many of us are unaware of, and I am lucky enough to have a great mentor in Fawzia, who has opened my eyes and my heart to the power of healing.


For this, I will be forever grateful and feel eternally blessed."

Michelle, Nov 2023 - #2

"In 2022 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer which had sadly spread to other organs, and I was given a terminal diagnosis at the age of 54.  It was an incredibly frightening and dark time and I was regularly consumed with fearful and negative thoughts.  I was a few weeks into my chemotherapy, coping with the side effects, and the worst of all at the time was losing my hair.  Fawzia reached out to me through a friend.  We arranged a video call and Fawzia sent me some healing energy.  As we live many miles apart, all our sessions were done remotely.

During our sessions Fawzia would focus on different parts of my body that were affected by the cancer.  I found these sessions incredibly emotional, and they provided me with great comfort.  Fawzia has given me the skills to manage my stress and to focus on the present.


Through our healing sessions, negative thoughts and emotions have greatly reduced, and I have found an inner peace which I didn’t even know was there.  Using guided meditation, mental visualisation and mantra meditation where we/I would silently repeat a mantra, distracting negative thoughts.  Mindful meditation has allowed me to obtain an increased acceptance and awareness of living in the moment.


I now have the ability to be able to be conscious of my breath and my breathing, and to observe my thoughts and emotions, while allowing them to pass through my mind without judgement, and just letting them go.

After a CT scan in June 2023, my Oncologist told me the results show that the cancer is dormant, and that I am in remission.  I can’t express the relief that flowed through me.  I just wanted to lay down and weep, which I subsequently did as soon as I returned to my car, expressing my thank yous through many many tears.


Fawzia has played such an important role throughout this journey and continues to do so.  Her love, support and healing are testament to who I am today.


All it takes is an open heart."

Dr F, October 2023

"I turned to Fawzia with great hope and desperation when my 5-year-old daughter developed quite sudden and very severe anxiety over the summer.  The anxiety was so bad that she couldn’t stand to be left alone for even a minute.  She was convinced that I would leave her or that something would happen to me, and she was petrified of being anywhere without me, or knowing exactly where I would be.


I was keen to avoid going down the formal mental health route and Fawzia came highly recommended, so we approached her as a first option.  As a GP, I honestly did not know what to expect from the sessions and struggled to really understand how (or even if) she could help her, and how the therapy would work.  However, with an open mind, we embraced the sessions and my daughter very quickly formed a close bond with Fawzia, her “magic hands”, and her warm and caring nature in the first session.


I still can’t explain how or what happened, but I can say that she went from having severe anxiety and panic attacks from the moment she woke up each morning, leading her to be dragged into school in a full meltdown every day, to waking up calmly two days after the first sessions and walking into school with growing confidence and no tears.  There were many anxieties still, but these became controlled over a week or so as we used Fawzia’s techniques to address these at home every day with positive affirmations directly related to her fears.


We have since seen Fawzia twice, and I can honestly say that my daughter is back to her happy self.  The anxious girl that walked into Fawzia’s home less than 6 weeks ago has gone, and I have my daughter back.


I can’t thank Fawzia enough for what she has done for us and the life changing impact she has had on my family’s life."

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